Thursday 3 March 2011

Magazine Review

On the front cover there is only one main image, which dominates the whole of the page and goes over the top of the title and reaches the top of the page. Amy’s blue bra strap links with the colour of the title and the main story headline, which is also the name of the artist. Also the red heading’s on the left brings out the colour of the tattoo on her arm. This front cover uses a house style, which is the 3 colours: light blue, red and black. But then it uses white on the text on the right to stand out more. For the title, heading and subheadings the text is all serif font, except the white writing on the right which is sans-serif font. The title is a big font, to make it clear that it’s the title, whereas the headings are smaller again and the sub headings are even smaller. This is to make it clear which is more important. The font uses 4 different colours; red, blue, black and white. The title is at the top half covered by the picture in a blue font, whereas the heading is at the bottom in the same blue, but it’s over the picture, which may signify that the heading is just as important as the title is. Then the sub headings and the rest of the text, is in a column along the left hand side. There is other information at the top right hand corner in small black text. I like the layout of this page as it is attractive and professional and sticks to 4 colours.  I think it is clear that the target audience for this magazine is 17 to 30 years olds. I think the style of this front cover is simple but effective and there is nothing I could do to improve it.

On the contents page there is only one main image, which is half the size on the page. The photograph is in the top half of the page. The two headings below the photo brings out the red in the curtains on the photograph. All the headings are serif font and the heading are quite small but bigger than the actual text so that they stand out. All the text on the page is serif font which makes the contents page seem more formal. The text colours are only red and black, which sticks with the house style. All the headings and sub heading are bigger than the actual text and are above the information. There is also a list of departments and the articles on the cover. There is only one main image on the page and it covers half the page and then the text is below it, the text is the colours that are on the picture; blue and red. I think I like this contents page as it has a main image and is simple with no fancy photo shopped graphs and bright colours. I would say that

the contents page is a quite sophisticated in the way its set out and the colours and font it’s used.

On this double page spread there is only one main image used and it takes up both pages. The photograph is in black and white, so they have made the text black on a white/grey background. They have used Serif font on the main title of the article and then again Serif font on the first paragraph. The main article is in sans-serif font except they have used a drop capital in serif font. The entire font on the page is in black. The text on the page is on the middle of the left hand page and is central. The text gets from bigger to smaller, with the main article title in big bold text to the article information in small text. The column is broken up into three sections; Title, first paragraph and then main article. I like this double page spread as it’s simple and effective. I think it is clear who the target audience is, as it has a big picture of Amy Winehouse half naked right in the middle.


For this front cover they have used one main image with two images in each of the artist’s sunglasses. The photograph takes up the whole page and sits behind the title, whereas in most magazines the picture sit’s over the top of the title. His sunglasses are black and so is some of the text. Most of the headings on the page are sans serif font, whereas the smaller information is in serif font. The main title is big and bold and its one of the first things you see when you look at the page. The main heading which links to the photograph is also big and bold and is also one of the first things you see when you look at the page. They have used four colours for the font; red, white, black and brown. All the headings and text are laid out around the picture and over the picture and under the picture. As well as the articles there is also a barcode and a slogan. There is one big image with two images photo shopped into the lenses of his sunglasses, which give a nice effect, this means that he is the lead singer and they are in his shadows, so just the other artists in the band.  I quite like this front cover as I like the way the text is around the page and is shaped the same as the photo is. I think that this is modern and effective and it is clear who the target audience is.

On this contents page spread there is one main image and one smaller image. The main image takes up most of the page and is on the right hand side. The smaller image is under ‘FEATURES’ and above the features list on the top left hand side. The small image is black and white and the text is black and white as well. The main heading is in big black serif font, at the top middle of the page. There is also a big number in white and serif font in the left hand corner of the main image. Whereas the smaller heading is below that on the right and in white. The rest of the text is down the right hand side in a column divided up into different headings, which are all black serif font.  The actual text is smaller, which means it’s less important. There have been 2 different colours of font used: black and
white, which tie into the smaller picture. The house style colours of white, red and black have been used. There is also a web address and the page number and month and year at the very bottom. The photos link into the articles listed in the features column. I like this contents page as it has a big effective image and all the text is in one column which makes it easier to read.

There is one main image on this double page spread and it’s on the second page, right in the middle and takes up the full page. Most of the font styles used on this double page spread are serif font and are in either black or red. There is a quote in medium sized black serif font at the top in the middle of the first page and then there’s smaller text underneath that. The article it’s self, is set out in 3 main columns on the first page and take up the whole page. This article has two drop capitals, with one for the first paragraph and that is as big as the article and in red serif font and is behind the articles and another one, which is much smaller but also in serif font, but in black and on the second paragraph. It is strange that there is two drop capitals with one for each of the first two paragraphs. On the second page there is one heading in black serif font and in the right hand top corner, except this has one word which is in capitals and one word in lower case. Below that there is another quote in medium, red serif font. The picture relates to the article and is as big as the drop capital, so they even out. The columns are separated with smaller headings in bold. I like this double page spread as it is very effective with the way it’s used the drop capital and the picture to almost contrast each other, with them being opposite colours but the same size.

For this front cover there is on main image right in the middle of the page and it takes up the whole page. The picture has been photo shopped so it looks quite old and dull and like the colour has been sucked out and then they have done the same effect to the title of the magazine and some of the subheadings. Most of the font styles used on this page are sans-serif font and in a range of sizes from really big to really small. There has been three colours used for this text; red, white and black, which seems to be the house style. The headings are all along the sides of the photograph and are spaced around the shape of the photograph. Where the heading is as if someone is shouting the font has changes to something more scribbled and they have used a speech mark, which signifies they mean it sincerely. There is also a barcode, date and price in small black text, in various discreet places on the page.  The photograph links in with the heading, as he’s hypothetically saying “F**k you where back!” I like this front cover as you can tell who the target audience is.  

On this contents page there are seven images and one main image, which is right in the middle of the page. Most of the images used are quite dull and so is the rest of the page, with the entire font in either black or white. The main heading is at the top of the page in the middle in big, black, serif font. Whereas the page numbers are a little bit smaller, but in black sans-serif font. All the titles of the articles are quotes and are in a range of fonts with either sans-serif or serif style and they are all roughly the same size. The layout of the pictures and text are in 3 columns with the first and last the same size and the middle one twice the size. But then there is an advert on the bottom right corner which goes into column two and three. There are lines to separate the three columns and none of the text or pictures runs into the end of the page or starts at the edge of the page, there is a gap with different widths on all sides. All the images are above the quotes for the articles they belong too.  This contents page is in the style of a traditional newspaper, with the faded black and white colours and the serif font. I like this contents page as it is quite fresh and none of the other magazines have used a newspaper style. To improve this contents page I would make sure that the gaps around the outsides are all the same size.

On this double page spread there is one main image which links to the main article and it also takes up the whole of the first page and a quarter of the second page. There is also a smaller headshot in the right bottom corner. For the main heading they have used a big white serif font and placed it in the bottom left hand corner over the main image. They have then put a first brief paragraph in medium, black serif font, explaining what the article is about at the top of the second page, in the middle.  Underneath that they have the main article in two columns in black serif font, with a quote in between and two drop capitals for the first and second paragraphs both in orange serif font. The orange quote in the middle of the article is in larger orange sans-serif font. On the second column they have an orange box, with an extra addition to the article. Within this box there is a heading in serif font and the text in the two columns are sans-serif font, in addition to this extra article there is a small headshot relating to the story on the top right hand side. They use three colours for the text: black, orange and white, even though orange hasn’t been used on the front cover or contents page of this magazine. I don’t like this double page spread, as I feel there needs to be more of a balance between picture text ratio and the article itself looks better laid out in three columns.

On this front cover there is one main image, which is a medium shot of Lil Wayne, which takes up the entire page. On the image Lil Wayne’s top is bright white so the medium sans-serif text over his hair is bright white too, to make it stand out. The main title is in big, bold, blue, sans serif font and is at the very top from the left hand side of the page to the right hand side of the page. Above that there is the title of the main article in smaller sans-serif font in a lighter shade of blue, which is connected to the image. The text is set out in two columns with the headings bigger than the text underneath and the text underneath is more greyish shade of white.  I like this front cover as it is simple but effective and I like the way it looks like Lil Wayne is looking straight into your eyes, this is an effective selling technique which will help people to spot the magazine and pick it up.

On this contents page there is one main image, which takes up the whole page and partly goes over the title. The title is big black and sans-serif and is in a more futuristic font and is situated at the very top of the page from the left to the right hand side. Below that there is the date in smaller black, sans-serif font and in the same size font next to that there is the heading except it’s in pink sans-serif font. Below the header the text is in one thin column dived up into four sub headings which are in bold and black. There is another piece of text below that column in bright blue, with a box around it. On the bottom left hand side of the picture there is a quote by Katy Perry which is in medium, black sans-serif font and below that in smaller black sans-serif font there is information on the photographer of the photograph. I don’t like this contents page as i feel it is too plain and there is not enough information.

On the double page spread there are two main images used to give an idea of exactly what the articles about, they are placed at the bottom of the first page taking up more than half the page and on the second page at the top, taking up more than half the page. There are three main headers in medium sans-serif font and in three different colours; red, blue and black. The first header is in the middle, at the top of the first page and the other two are situated the start of each of the first paragraphs on the both pages. On the first page the text is in two columns, where as in the second page the text is in three columns. Underneath the black and blue headings are sub headings except for the first one the text is smaller and the second one the text is the same size. On the first page there is also a small column on the right hand side and is dived with three headings. Because the image goes through the column the rest of the text has been put at the bottom of the page, leaving a big gap between the girl’s leg and the top of that sentence.  There is other additional small black text on the sides of the pages. I don’t like this double page spread as I feel it should only have one main image and it should stick with either three columns or two columns. I think it is clear what target audience it is aimed at, as it has big pictures, bright colours and less text.

On the front cover, three images are used. The main standing out image is of The Beatles, but the article is based purely on Paul McCartney, so he has an enlarged photo of himself, in front of the other band members. This signifies the relevance to the article, and how Paul McCartney is the main focal point. The other two images are of Bob Marley & Brian Wilson, but they articles written about them are less important, so the images are smaller & at the top corners of the magazine, this is so that although they are less of a focal point, they will still be easily noticed. There is a very noticeable black & white theme with the images & text, this will relate to each artist on the front cover as they are all from the past. Even though there is some colour (red) on the front cover, it seems drained, which again relates to the theme not only of the front cover about past great, but also about the articles, as they try to bring the artists and their stories back to life. The font on the front cover is consistent throughout. The same bold text in capitals for the more important information, that the magazine company want you to read as this will more likely grab your attention. I don’t like this front cover as I feel it is too crowed for me and its hard to take in all at once.

There is only one image on the content page of the magazine, but instead of being small and to the side of the text, it takes up the whole page with Bob Marley as the main focal point this time. Where Bob Marley is standing is not covered with text, as this would not invite the reader to be engaged with image. The text is placed over part of the image where Bob Marley is standing in an open doorway to a bright outdoor area. This could mean that the magazine wants to the reader to go through the door and explore the articles inside. It could also mean that the articles are upbeat and bright, a lot like Bob Marley's music. The less important words of the smaller articles are written in lower case, and are more of a grey colour to stand out less, and the main titles in white to jump off the page. I noticed that in the advertisement of the Bob Marley & Brian Wilson articles, they have done the opposite to the before mentioned font format of lesser articles, as they have made the less important words, more important, even though they aren't in white. By lesser words, I mean 'UNSEEN' and 'SPEAKS', the designer doesn't concentrate on the artists whose articles are being published, they want to grab the attention of reader, by enlarging the words that provoke the thought of the reader, as they know that the public nowadays are into more gossip, etc. I don’t like this contents page as the background is very distracting and distracts me away from the text in front.

The main image on the double page spread fills up the second page and part of the first page. The text from the 'Apple Corps' article is very small, compared to the title. The title stands out with it being bigger, bolder and contrasting with the background colour. Although, it does have the colour green into the title and main stand out words from the sub-text, this will obviously relate to the apple/company name within the article. The normal article text is small & simple, but because the image of the apple takes over part of the text page, the text is shaped around it. The layout of the 'Apple Corps' article is very interesting, as it seems as though the article is very short and the fact they have included a giant apple that takes over at least one of the pages, suggests that they were just looking to fill out space, as they didn't have enough information to fill the double page. Also like I explain before they have used the apple's shape to fit some of the text around as it takes up more than the single page. I like this double page spread as I like the contrasting colours of the green and black and white and I like how the text shapes around the apple.

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