Friday 11 February 2011

Evaluation of my School magazine

When I reviewed an existing school magazine, the main codes and conventions were the; Main image, Inset Pictures, Colour Scheme, Layout, Text and Language.

This magazine did not follow all these codes and conventions, as it didn’t have a main image, but for my school magazine, I had a main image which took up most of the page. For the George Stephenson school magazine it had a gradient background. The main image was a series of other images and photographs put together as one in the middle, I don’t think this looks very good or professional so I did not take this on into my school magazine.
The main title was big and bold in black, which I think was effective as it stood out. But I don’t like the font of the text, as it didn’t relate to the rest of the front cover and was hard to read. In my school magazine, I didn’t take the font of the title but I did apply the size and boldness.

When taking my photographs I had to put some things under consideration such as: the lighting, wherether I could use natural light or needed to turn the light on, or use another lamp. Also I had to make sure that my photographs were not blurry, and to do this I had to get the right setting on the camera. For my magazine, I needed a medium close up image, so I had to take this into consideration when talking my photographs.
            When I picked my photograph I needed to Photoshop it, to suit my magazine. To do this I needed to use the magnetic lasso tool, to cut out Sarah and part of the foreground and the cooking bowl on the contents page, which was appropriate to theme of my magazine, which was based on a cooking competition within the school. I then copied the layer and moved it onto a new layer which I turned all blue using the paint bucket tool.  I then used the text tool to make a title and the text on both the front cover and contents page and then messed around with the size, font and colour until I was happy with it.

Monday 7 February 2011

Creating my computerised magazine

These are my final school magazine for the front cover and contents page, that i created on photoshop. Its all based on the first story about the Master Chef competition.

Creating my magazine

These are my first hand drawn designs for the front cover and contents page of my School magazine.

Wednesday 2 February 2011

School Magazine Review- Goerge Stephenson

Main image

On the front cover, one image takes up most of the page and is right in the middle. It draws your eye straight to the middle of it, as it uses a bird’s eye view photograph of the school, but the image has been changed so every corner is symmetrical. From this there are all images around it, from photographs of student to images of school equipment such as rubbers. The only image that is on the contents page is a house style image of three speech boxes.

 Inset Pictures

The inset pictures would be the pictures on the outside of the main image of the school, but they are all attached as one. They have the same image of part of the school, a few times opposite each other to make the picture symmetrical.

Colour Scheme

The background colour of the front cover is dark green at the top, but it slowly fades to white as it gets to the bottom. The colours of the images them selves are mostly grey red and blue. There are two pictures of three speech bubbles which represent the house style colours. On the contents page the background colour is white and then they have four different coloured boxes with the text in. Again they have stuck to the house styles colours of blue and green.


On the front cover the layout is simple with the main image and inset images in the very middle, the name of the magazine at the top and any other information such as the name of the school above the title and an idea of what’s in the magazine below the title. With the date and issue above that. On the contents page they have used several boxes to set the layout, with them at the top half of the page. Then under them there is any additional information.


On the front cover the front cover the title is big and in a rounded style text and in bold and black, where as the rest of the writing is in more formal style text and is small and white. On the contents page four of the headings are in the same rounded font as the title and are in white and black and in bold. And the rest of the writing is smaller and in white and black and is in the same formal text as before.


For the front cover the language of the text is basic, easy to read and understand and there is a list which uses repetition of ‘ws’ at the end of each word. The text is mostly just information on the school of both the front cover and the contents page. They also use on the contents page lists and names.